morning muse

morning muse

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Monday & Tuesday, June 8th and 9th - Stay over day - Solomon Island, MD  
due to high winds.  After studying, it was decided that we would stay put in Solomon Island for two days - the forecast was 18-33 knot winds both days.  I was afraid that Harry would want to head out but he agreed to stay put, thank God!  It helped greatly that another sailor was doing the same thing (staying put).

We rode our bikes a lot and just took it very easy. I rode to a nearby strip mall and got a LONG overdue pedicure…cooked on the boat, pork tenderloin and kale and salad.  Met a neighboring sailor, Paul whose wife got off the boat, rented a car and drove home - she’d had enough of the waves.  when harry would talk to people about ‘that day’, he’d say, the waters were ‘snotty’.  what???  snotty?  they were more like ‘plugged up, can’t breath, got the flu’, near death, kinda waters. 

Harry's raw radishes
dinner view, looking back toward our marina
the restaurant at our marina - showed old movies, ate dinner, watched the Close Encounters of the Third Kind..

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