morning muse

morning muse

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Thursday, June 18th & Friday, June 19th - Old Lyme  
This was the first day of our ‘vacation’!  For 2 weeks were were not going to have to rush to get up, get at it and hit the waters.  Ahhhh…so this morning i lounged in bed.   But what is that racket above my head?  It’s Harry moving the deck chairs preparing to wash the boat!!!! it is not even 9:00am.

Today we were moving the boat from the dock slip to a mooring.  Our first attempt at mooring was what i would call a success.  I caught the mooring buoy on the second try.  Joann, i think you would be proud.  For those that are not familiar - a mooring is an anchored buoy that is put there by a marina.  The admiral on the boat goes to the bow and either grabs the buoy by hand or uses a boat hook and attaches the line (line is attached to the buoy and anchored below) to the cleat on the bow.  And instantly you go from a hotel type existence to a camping type existence.  No electric, no shore water, no walks along the docks, no ‘i think i’ll run to the bathroom’, everything has to be well thought out and planned (see, much like camping).  You can’t get anywhere without getting in the dinghy.  But the rewards, like camping, are immense.  You simply float around, direction determined by the wind…and it’s very quiet and serene.  While we have boats around us, they are not occupied and so we are out here alone in a beautiful cove up river from the marina.

And Harry, every morning, still follows his routine of going to the marina, rain or shine….. 

It has been cool all day, took a cab ride to Walmart in Old Saybrook and packed provisions into our dinghy and brought them back to the boat.  and then just relaxed.

Had dinner in one of my favorite places so far. Old Lyme Inn.  The pictures will tell the story….they were so kind to us.  I felt like they allowed us to eat right in the lobby where we could see/hear the music best.  The trio was playing funky jazz.  And Anna and Jas, yes, I asked them to play Brubeck’s Take Five.  :)  The artwork was fantastic and food was superb.  We shared the duck.  Very, very nice evening.  and there was a fire pit!!  many of you know one of my most favorite things in the world to do is build a fire.  and since it was a cool night it was perfect.  It really was a hike getting to and fro but worth it.

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